
armed intervention中文什么意思

发音:   用"armed intervention"造句
  • 武器的干涉
  • 武装干涉
  • armed:    adj. 1.武装了的。 2.【动、植】有(刺、齿等)防 ...
  • intervention:    n. 1.插进,介入。 2.调解,排解。 3.干涉,干预 ...
  • intervention:    n. 1.插进,介入。 2.调解,排解。 3.干涉,干预,妨碍。 armed intervention=intervention by arms 武装干涉。
  • armed:    adj. 1.武装了的。 2.【动、植】有(刺、齿等)防护器官的。 3.(炮弹等)装上导火线的。 4.有装甲的。 5.有扶手的。 an armed merchantman 武装商船。 armed neutrality 武装中立。 armed peace 武装和平。 armed robbery 武装抢劫,持械抢劫。 armed forces [services] 军队;海陆空三军。 armed eyes 戴着眼镜的眼睛 〔cf. naked eye〕。 armed glass 铁丝网夹心玻璃。 long-armed 长胳膊的。
  • armed with:    以...武装起来; 用...武装起来, 装备有...的; 用……
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  1. Wilson certainly and house probably thought of armed intervention only as a last, desperate resort .
  2. The united nations can impose , through the general assembly , economic sanctions on a country , but short of armed intervention in certain circumstances we shall go into later , there is not a great deal that can be done
  3. This can be seen from the formulating of the four great foreign policies . the decision to hold the summit talks with ussr , the decision not to help the chinese kuomintang troops defend offshore islands , the decision of no armed intervention in indo - china and the decision to intervene the civil war of lebanon were all made by himself




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  2. armed incidents 什么意思
  3. armed injury 什么意思
  4. armed interference 什么意思
  5. armed interrupt 什么意思
  6. armed intrusions 什么意思
  7. armed islamic group 什么意思
  8. armed janjaweed militias 什么意思
  9. armed ladder 什么意思
  10. armed lever 什么意思


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